
Create your own page

Page history last edited by Donna 14 years, 6 months ago

Click the following link for detailed instructions with pictures:



Steps to creating your own page: 

  1. Click on the "Pages & Files" tab located at the very top left hand side of this page
  2. When the new window opens…click on the "New" tab (then select page)
  3. Name your page (name it using your first and last name followed by the initials of your school). (example: donnamiers-FHS)  You can then click on the options tab after you have named your page and store it in your school's folder that has already been created and is located in "folders".
  4. You can now add information, pictures, etc. to your page for others to enjoy and comment on.
  5. You can upload pictures from your computer very easily…when you click on  the "Pages and Files" tab, you will have the option to create a new page as explained above….or you can upload a file that is stored on your computer.  Once the file is uploaded you can Insert the file by clicking on the "images and files" section on the left hand side of the page (when you are in edit mode).  Put your curser where you want the image to appear.  Select the image that you downloaded and the image will now appear on your page.  You can also insert various other files (videos, gadget, etc.) by using the drop down menu on "Insert" in the edit bar.  
  6. Once you experience this wiki, you will probably want to create your own to use with students/parents/staff.


You can now get back to the first page of this Wiki by clicking on the "Wiki" tab at the very top left hand corner of this page!  


Need more direction?  Go To:  http://usermanual.pbworks.com/Creating-Pages



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