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Stay Connected Information

Page history last edited by Donna 14 years, 2 months ago

Information on how to stay connected to this wiki and become an active participant:


  1. Use this interactive website (aka: wiki), add to it and become a part of this collaborative and informative workspace. There is a lot of information that you can use as resources; you can also add to this collection of resources. (call me x5829 or email me and I'll come and help you)
  2. Explore this first page, access the links to other pages listed in the "Pages of Interest" box above. See what's here…..I think you will be quite surprised.  Don't forget to check out the sidebar!
  3. Read through the Wiki Etiquette/Rules  
  4. Post a Comment below  (Check out our Visitors from around the World map in the sidebar) 
  5. Bookmark this site so you can use it often throughout this year.  Check out the side bar and the various ways to navigate this site.
  6. Answer the 4 questions on the Transition Questionnaire ; don't forget to click submit after you fill in your answers….the results will be automatically tabulated and I will distribute them soon! 
  7. Go to the Discussion page and post a topic or add to a topic that someone else has already posted.
  8. Now:  Create your own bio page as a start; check out the create your own page link  for specific directions, or just start by clicking on "create your own page" in the upper right corner on the sidebar of this page.  When you create your page you will be asked if you want to store it in a folder….store it in the folder I have created for your school.  Name your page (first and last name + school initials (i.e.: Donna Miers FHS) . For starters just write a sentence or two on your bio page; you can later add fun plugins if you want. Here are  links to a few sample bio pages created in the summer pbworks camp: 





Enjoy Creating your page!  The only way to learn to use these applications and enjoy the benefits of using an interactive web site is to start spending a bit of time using it…….So your first optional task is actually to Create your bio Page!  It's fun, you'll see!  Call me at x5829 or email me and I will come and help!




"There can be infinite uses of the computer and of new age technology, but if the teachers themselves are not able to bring it into the classroom and make it work, then it fails." - Nancy Kassebaum, U.S. Senator


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